Ukraine - NWO
Editor Note:
The carnage being inflicted on Ukrainians, Russians and others is abhorrent and must stop. Some of the information below may lead someone to think we are siding with Russia. This is not the case. We are attempting to present what we believe is reliable information that is not being reported on by most legacy media...or worse, that is being deliberately censored to deceive and manipulate us. As Alex Newman says in the video below, "Ukraine: A Deep State Wonderland," we are being led to believe Ukraine is the |
good guy and Russia is the bad guy. The truth is both are poison to the well being of the U.S.A. and our freedom. Globalists are using both to implement their one world government and the loss of our sovereignty and personal freedom. Don't be manipulated. Get informed and then make your decisions as to whether the cure they're selling is not worse than the disease. This information may be hard to believe, but these people are very good at deception and manipulation...hopefully, you understand that by now and will be cautious and inquisitive.