Web Meeting Powerpoint
Thank you for all who attended Wednesday Nights meeting. I immediately received great feedback as soon as the meeting ended. - Dave G.
Segment 1: We began our meeting with the last segment of our educational series on the Bill of Rights by Art Thompson, the 9th & 10th Amendment.
Segment 2: Then we dove deep into the Alex Newman Deep State “LGBT Agenda: Deep State Weapon Against Family, Church” which was followed by our excellent speaker, a former nurse and minister Greg Quinlan. Greg is President of the Center for Garden State for Families. He gave us a live powerful look at his experience and research on the agenda being pushed by the organizations of this lifestyle on our children right here in the State of New Jersey. You can hear Greg’s testimony on LGBT Education policy to Barnegat Township Council here. If you have a child that is being exposed to the State sponsored sexual indoctrination and would like to help Greg in his lawsuit against the State, contact him at 513-435-1125 or email him at [email protected].
I would like to thank Greg for having the courage to lead us in the fight. We also pointed out a recent article in The New American “Perverting Youth: Virginia Governor Rolls Out Sex Textline for Teens” Segment 3: Bill Hahn, new CEO of the JBS, gave us an update titled “Soros, BLM, and New World Order”. Our group has been concentrating on the highest level of the Deep State, the Council on Foreign Relations. Mr. Hahn starts by showing “conservative” Fox News (corporate member of the CFR) reporters shutdown any mention of who is behind the Attorney Generals advancing the lawlessness we are experiencing across the county. There was something VERY TELLING during this short video that I wanted to point out but could not remember what it was when Hahn was done. I now remember!! Looking at Mr. Hahn’s slide above, Soros says the American government should not resist the DECLINE OF THE DOLLAR…and the introduction of global currency (New World Order). Just a few slides earlier in our presentation (see below), I pointed out that I have been reading, not in alternative news media but mainstream news, rumblings about the DECLINE OF THE DOLLAR.
Usually, you don’t read/see Austrian Economics in publications the main stream media (i.e. CNBC), only in publications such as the Mises Institute. Mainstream media limits the discussion to a strong or weak economy. NOT how the printing of money destroys the value of the dollar that will lead to it’s collapse. Lately, I have been noticing headlines of the dollar crashing in unlikely news sources such as CNBC. Why is this significant? I believe MAINSTREAM MEDIA only reports on “untouchable” subjects like this when they are NO LONGER AVOIDABLE. Yikes!!! Could we be witnessing the collapse of the dollar? If so, that would be the final stages of the New World Order. See the end of Soros’ quote ending with a “global currency”. ACTION STEPS So can we stop it? Yes, we can. That is when we ended our meeting with action steps. This includes distributing information from shopjbs.org focusing on our Support Your Local Police campaign. ACTION ALERT: OPPOSE CLIMATE CHANGE BILL S. 2657 The Senate is preparing to pass a major energy bill that will pave the way for the radical climate change agenda, infringe on state sovereignty, and entangle the U.S. further into international agreements. To date, neither the House nor Senate have passed S. 2657. Click Here to learn more and send a letter to your Congressman/woman to vote “No”. MOST IMPORTANT: Call Your State Representative regarding the shutdowns. Remind them that the Governor has NO AUTHORITY to shut down or limit private business from functioning. Ask them what they are doing about it. They have the authority to force the Governor to stop. Your State Representative is your employee. Remember, you are their boss. Follow other action steps in your monthly JBS Bulletin. Feel free to share your actions with me. |
Web Meeting Resource Links
9th & 10th Amendments Bill of Rights:
Oppose Climate Change Bill S. 2657:
Garden State Families:
LGBT Agenda – Weapon Against Family + Church:
Soros, BLM, and New World Order:
Support Your Local Police committee:
John McManus radio interview on Talking with Anne WOND 1400AM (9/22/20)
Now playing locally: Infidel
produced by Dinesh and Debbie D’Souza
Anarchy USA
The New American downloads:
Oppose Climate Change Bill S. 2657:
Garden State Families:
LGBT Agenda – Weapon Against Family + Church:
Soros, BLM, and New World Order:
Support Your Local Police committee:
John McManus radio interview on Talking with Anne WOND 1400AM (9/22/20)
Now playing locally: Infidel
produced by Dinesh and Debbie D’Souza
Anarchy USA
The New American downloads:
(click on each image to enlarge)
(above is the full magazine)
NOTE: Free issues of The New American magazine can be found throughout this website,
but there is nothing like having your own subscription. They need & appreciate your support.
but there is nothing like having your own subscription. They need & appreciate your support.