(duration 00-23-17) |
MUST WATCH! May 3-4, 2023 (published to Rumble)
Dr. David Martin's presentation during the International Covid Summit (hosted by the European Parliament). This rips the curtain away from the c19 wizardry ...it was a PLANDEMIC!!! ...it was biological warfare!!! |
Full Summit videos & sources below...
European Union Parliament - International Covid Summit III
(good summary of long summit)
(good summary of long summit)
Post INTL COVID Summit Press Conference: MEPs, Dr. Robert Malone & Dr. Byram Bridle - 05.04.2023
(duration 00-23-09)
Four members of the European Parliament as well as prestigious doctors gave a short highlights summary in a press conference, on May 4, 2023, of the 3rd International Covid Summit which was held in the European Parliament the previous day.
00:00 – MEP Cristian Terhes 00:40 – Dr. Robert Malone 06:43 – MEP Christine Anderson 07:56 – MEP Ivan Sincic 08:56 – MEP Cristian Terhes 09:35 – MEP Mislav Kolakušić 11:04 – MEP Cristian Terhes 12:50 – Q&A 16:03 – MP George Simion (Romania) 17:00 – Q&A 18:19 – MEP Christine Anderson 20:00 – Dr. Byram Bridle |
International Covid Summit III - part 1
European Parliament, Brussels 05.03.2023 (duration 03-26-48)
International Covid Summit III - part 2
European Parliament, Brussels 05.03.2023 (duration 04-30-36)
5/20/2023 URGENT
Boots on the Ground Action Needed on Saturday - WHO-CHD Children's Health Defense Boots on the Ground Needed May 20! The World Health Organization’s (WHO) 76th World Health Assembly (WHA) meets May 21-30. If amendment changes to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are adopted and/or the “Pandemic Treaty” (titled WHO-CA+) is signed, it would give the WHO global authority over public health. This new authority could mean the implementation of digital health certificates (aka vaccine passports), lockdowns, quarantine camps, mandated testing/masking, and access only to treatments they deem necessary. Individual countries would be obligated to follow WHO public health emergency mandates. |
We need a global boots-on-the-ground effort on Saturday, May 20 to show that we will not stand for this! If you wish to plan a large rally in your area — fantastic! If you don’t have the bandwidth for that, it’s not a problem. Having a handful of people in a busy area to hold up signs and hand out flyers is perfectly fine. The goal is to educate the masses about the upcoming WHO meetings and let them know that every person in the world could be subjected to these health mandates if the IHR amendments are adopted. Please visit our Great Freeset campaign assets page to access materials to print for your event. Be sure to take pictures and video and send them to us. We would love to feature your efforts! We greatly appreciate your help at this critical moment in history! |
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June 27, 2022
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Stopping WHO’s Power Grab by Alex Newman 6/27/2022
If the globalists have their way, unelected officials at the World Health Organization will be able to impose vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and other “health” measures globally. ...
(video) https://thenewamerican.com/stopping-whos-power-grab-beyond-the-cover/
(article) thenewamerican.com/print/stopping-whos-power-grab/
World Gov Peril: Biden Agreement May Give the WHO Control Over Your Life and Health by Selwyn Duke May 21, 2022
Directing the Disorder by William F. Jasper August 10, 2020
The Council on Foreign Relations is the Deep State powerhouse undoing and remaking our world. ...William F. Jasper
Coronavirus as Gateway to “Global Health Governance” by William F. Jasper April 20, 2020
Trump: U.S. Out Of WHO; No More Chinese Spies Posing as Students, Researchers by R. Cort Kirkwood May 30, 2020
Deep State Using UN WHO for NWO | Behind the Deep State
by Alex Newman June 2, 2020
(video) ugetube.com/watch/deep-state-using-un-who-for-nwo_hMCWNNUfPh2owOY.html
(article) https://thenewamerican.com/alex-newman-deep-state-using-un-who-for-nwo/
Trump Pulls the Plug on WHO, Effective July 2021
by Bob Adelmann July 8, 2020
Exploiting COVID19, Big Tech Censors Become Big Brother
by Alex Newman May 14, 2020
Trump Temporarily Cuts Funding to WHO Over Its Failed COVID-19 Response
by James Murphy April 15, 2020
Marxist UN WHO Boss Must Be Put on Trial, Critics Say
by Alex Newman April 2, 2020
W.H.O. Is Communist by Alex Newman May 4, 2020
The Marxist head of the World Health Organization got his job with the backing of China, despite participating in terrorist activities. Calls are coming to charge him for his crimes. ...
Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity--the Conspiracy
The John Birch Society Published January 17, 2022
Nothing sells freedom like tyranny. The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen here. This episode of Freedom is the Cure focuses on the growing popularity of freedom and the need to ensure that Americans’ passion is channeled in a way that aims at the root of the problem, the Conspiracy, the powerful international network working to destroy America and plunge the world into tyranny. Paul talks with JBS coordinators who work on the grassroots level about how to create long-lasting changes.
Watch Exposing The Enemies of Freedom video. https://youtu.be/_io8V7xOBNo
Learn all about the Conspiracy with the ultimate primer: Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. https://shopjbs.org/product/deep-state-the-invisible-government-behind-the-scenes/
Stay atop of the most critical news and analysis with The New American magazine. https://thenewamerican.com/
Know the Constitution with the Constitution is the Solution series. https://jbs.org/constitution/video/
Learn about the Convention of States threat. https://jbs.org/concon/
Support your local police and keep them independent. https://jbs.org/sylp/
Be part of the campaign to save our children from public schools. https://jbs.org/children/
Know who your representatives really are with the Congressional Scorecard.
Join the JBS in our epic undertaking to restore liberty.
If the globalists have their way, unelected officials at the World Health Organization will be able to impose vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and other “health” measures globally. ...
(video) https://thenewamerican.com/stopping-whos-power-grab-beyond-the-cover/
(article) thenewamerican.com/print/stopping-whos-power-grab/
World Gov Peril: Biden Agreement May Give the WHO Control Over Your Life and Health by Selwyn Duke May 21, 2022
Directing the Disorder by William F. Jasper August 10, 2020
The Council on Foreign Relations is the Deep State powerhouse undoing and remaking our world. ...William F. Jasper
Coronavirus as Gateway to “Global Health Governance” by William F. Jasper April 20, 2020
Trump: U.S. Out Of WHO; No More Chinese Spies Posing as Students, Researchers by R. Cort Kirkwood May 30, 2020
Deep State Using UN WHO for NWO | Behind the Deep State
by Alex Newman June 2, 2020
(video) ugetube.com/watch/deep-state-using-un-who-for-nwo_hMCWNNUfPh2owOY.html
(article) https://thenewamerican.com/alex-newman-deep-state-using-un-who-for-nwo/
Trump Pulls the Plug on WHO, Effective July 2021
by Bob Adelmann July 8, 2020
Exploiting COVID19, Big Tech Censors Become Big Brother
by Alex Newman May 14, 2020
Trump Temporarily Cuts Funding to WHO Over Its Failed COVID-19 Response
by James Murphy April 15, 2020
Marxist UN WHO Boss Must Be Put on Trial, Critics Say
by Alex Newman April 2, 2020
W.H.O. Is Communist by Alex Newman May 4, 2020
The Marxist head of the World Health Organization got his job with the backing of China, despite participating in terrorist activities. Calls are coming to charge him for his crimes. ...
Stopping the Greatest Threat to Humanity--the Conspiracy
The John Birch Society Published January 17, 2022
Nothing sells freedom like tyranny. The tyranny leveled against Americans over the last two years has awakened millions who didn’t think it could happen here. This episode of Freedom is the Cure focuses on the growing popularity of freedom and the need to ensure that Americans’ passion is channeled in a way that aims at the root of the problem, the Conspiracy, the powerful international network working to destroy America and plunge the world into tyranny. Paul talks with JBS coordinators who work on the grassroots level about how to create long-lasting changes.
Watch Exposing The Enemies of Freedom video. https://youtu.be/_io8V7xOBNo
Learn all about the Conspiracy with the ultimate primer: Deep State: The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes. https://shopjbs.org/product/deep-state-the-invisible-government-behind-the-scenes/
Stay atop of the most critical news and analysis with The New American magazine. https://thenewamerican.com/
Know the Constitution with the Constitution is the Solution series. https://jbs.org/constitution/video/
Learn about the Convention of States threat. https://jbs.org/concon/
Support your local police and keep them independent. https://jbs.org/sylp/
Be part of the campaign to save our children from public schools. https://jbs.org/children/
Know who your representatives really are with the Congressional Scorecard.
Join the JBS in our epic undertaking to restore liberty.
(duration 01-19-19)
Dr. Michael Yeadon-Pfizer VP_Former Vice-President and Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer. He holds joint Honours in Biochemistry and Toxicology and a PhD in Pharmacology. He is an Independent Consultant and Co-founder & CEO of Ziarco Pharma Ltd. 15-minute cities are the least of our worries, considering all the things that Michael Yeadon, Ph.D. exposes in this week’s ‘Friday Roundtable’ episode. He dives deep into the hard topics related to COVID origins, vaccine toxicity and whether talk of new variants are just being used as propaganda or are based in measurable truth. Viewers won’t want to miss out on this intense, eye-opening conversation with Dr. Yeadon. |
Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice
Margaret Anna Alice Jan 1, 2023The following poem was inspired by a conversation with Mike Yeadon. We have both independently noticed the increasing use of terms like “bungled” and “blunder” to describe the crimes against humanity perpetrated under the cloak of COVID. Even well-meaning people who share similar values and goals sometimes fall into this trap being set by those preparing their parachute jump from culpability. This Anthem for Justice is my attempt to succinctly chronicle the calculated intentionality underlying the COVID tyranny, and I ask your help in spreading the clear message that #MistakesWereNOTMade. Please share this poem and keep it handy for the next time anybody uses verbiage to gloss over the atrocities committed. Let’s make 2023 the Year of Accountability so none dare repeat such acts in the future. |
(duration 00-04-00)
March 23, 2023:
Barbara Loe Fisher, cofounder and president of the charitable National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) and NVIC co-founder Kathi Williams and I unveiled a public Truth and Freedom monument outside the Mercola office in Cape Coral, Florida. It’s a majestic bronze and marble monument dedicated to the many casualties of one-size-fits-all mandatory vaccination laws. It also celebrates civil liberties and human rights, the first of which is the right to autonomy and protection of bodily integrity. “If you don't have that right, if you cannot exercise that right, you can't exercise an informed consent to medical risk-taking, which includes vaccine risk-taking,” Fisher says. |
The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty is about as dreadful as it can get, because if the WHO is given the sole power to dictate pandemic policy, member nations will not be able to oppose vaccine mandates and stop government officials from enforcing vaccination policies and laws that are being dictated by globalists at the United Nations. Human rights will be tossed out, and based on the way the treaty is currently written, local, state and federal laws, including the U.S. Constitution, would be superseded by the WHO’s dictates.
“A lot of people don't know that in the U.S., we defeated the COVID vaccine mandate. We did not have a COVID vaccine passport in this country because no state legislature voted for it. That was because we organized in the states for about 12 years and educated legislators. But if they do something that makes the United States part of a treaty that actually makes us have to obey what the WHO says, then we can't stop it,” Fisher says.
“A lot of people don't know that in the U.S., we defeated the COVID vaccine mandate. We did not have a COVID vaccine passport in this country because no state legislature voted for it. That was because we organized in the states for about 12 years and educated legislators. But if they do something that makes the United States part of a treaty that actually makes us have to obey what the WHO says, then we can't stop it,” Fisher says.
(duration 01-58-43)
If you love your freedom, and want to keep it, it is imperative you watch this entire interview!
If you love your freedom, and want to keep it, it is imperative you watch this entire interview!
Dr. Robert Malone:
Resisting Covid Tyranny and the WEF’s Great Reset by Veronika Kyrylenko May 13, 2022 The New American magazine In an in-depth interview with The New American, Dr. Robert Malone shared details of his intellectual journey from questioning the safety and efficacy of Covid vaccines to recognizing the intense efforts of the globalist forces aimed at establishing a totalitarian regime that would supersede national political structures. Dr. Malone said that the driving force behind the effort is the World Economic Forum (WEF), whose members dominate supranational organizations, national governments and political parties, corporations, the media, and academia. The goal of the policies that were implemented as a part of the Covid pandemic response was to accelerate the Great Reset preached by the forum’s founder and chairman, Klaus Schwab. Based on total control |
over information, the economy, and finances, and on the ideas of transhumanism and population control, the Great Reset becomes possible because of mass formation psychosis. Malone argued that since this phenomenon captures both the populace and the leaders, it is paramount to wake people up, and he offered solutions for doing so.
Dr. Robert Malone pioneered mRNA vaccine technology in the late 1980s and holds nine U.S.-issued patents in which he is explicitly named an inventor. During the Covid pandemic, he emerged as a leader of the intellectual movement against unethical Covid-related vaccine mandates, vaccinations of children, and medical censorship. To follow Robert Malone, please visit: https://rwmalonemd.substack.com https://www.covid19declassified.com/dr-robert-malone.html Source pages for this video: https://thenewamerican.com/dr-robert-malone-resisting-covid-tyranny-and-the-wefs-great-reset/ https://rumble.com/v14mzqe-dr.-robert-malone-resisting-covid-tyranny-and-the-wefs-great-reset.html |