April 26, 2021- Appearance of Popular Support | Biden's Great Reset Push
Christian Gomez interviews William F. Jasper, senior editor of The New American, about how President Joe Biden is pushing the World Economic Forum’s so-called “Great Reset” for a one world government. Jasper also exposes the globalists Insiders of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) serving in the cabinet and other key positions within the Biden administration in order to bring about the Great Reset and a New World Order. Take Action: 1) Buy & Read the March 22, 2021 issue of The New American: https://shoptna.org/tna-back-issues/tna-2021-back-issues/the-new-american-3706 2) Join The John Birch Society: https://jbs.org/join/ 3) Subscribe to the JBS Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/c/c-583457. ▶️ More Related Videos - Create Semblance of Revolution | 4th Industrial Revolution - Create the Semblance of Revolution | From Great Reset to Communism - Semblance of Revolution | Behind the Chaos |
May 14, 2021
Legal Battle Vs. Forced COVID Shots & Vaccine Passports, With Super Lawyer Mat Staver by Alex Newman In this interview with The New American magazine’s Senior Editor Alex Newman, Liberty Counsel chief Mat Staver discusses how his powerful Christian legal organization is working to fight back against COVID vaccine mandates and totalitarian-style policies such as vaccine passports surrounding the pandemic. Staver says under the law, nobody can be forced to take the experimental shot, which was only authorized under Emergency Use provisions. Vaccine passports must also be resisted. Finally, Mat explains how Liberty Counsel has been at the forefront of resisting the persecution of the Church by government officials across America under the guise of fighting COVID. https://thenewamerican.com/legal-battle-vs-forced-covid-shots-vaccine-passports-with-super-lawyer-mat-staver/ |
5/10/2021 - Dr. Michael Yeadon
A life science researcher and Former Vice-President and Chief Scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, fears the combination of vaccine passports and booster vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants may be part of a mass depopulation agenda. |
(click on image above and scroll down near bottom of the page to learn more & see Bill Gates's statement on video)
Web Meeting Powerpoint
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Web Meeting Resource Links
Legal Battle Vs. Forced COVID Shots & Vaccine Passports, With Super Lawyer Mat Staver_TNA_5-14-2021
You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines_Sidney Powell_5-25-2021-Update
Bill-Jasper_Appearance of Popular Support - Biden's Great Reset Push_4-26-2021
Tom-Deweese_Create Semblance of Revolution - Sustainable Development_5-10-2021
Dr. Michael Yeadon-Pfizer VP_Planet Lockdown Interview With Dr. Michael Yeadon_5-10-2021
COVID-19 Variant Vaccines & Depopulation_Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP & chief scientist of Pfizer_5-23-2021
05-26-21_JBS-webinar-resources - SEE MORE FACTS.COM (this page)
COVID-Prevention-Treatment - SEE MORE FACTS.COM
NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Returning to Work Amid COVID-19
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - FLCCC - YouTube Channel
How to Get Ivermectin FLCCC Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
More links from webinar discussion/attendees (excellent contributions...thank you!):
Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump Eternal struggle between good and evil (lifesitenews.com)
Joseph P. Sciulli_Archbishop Viganò’s Open_Letter_President_Donald_Trump.pdf
Viganò Warns Trump of Baphomet Inscription Solve et Coagula and Infiltration of Deep Church - YouTube
American Planning Association-Search Results for Sustainable Development
COVID Vaccine Secrets Resources • Children's Health Defense
Legal Resources • Children's Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center-Event Outcome where Vaccine is COVID19-Results from the VAERS Database
You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines_Sidney Powell_5-25-2021-Update
Bill-Jasper_Appearance of Popular Support - Biden's Great Reset Push_4-26-2021
Tom-Deweese_Create Semblance of Revolution - Sustainable Development_5-10-2021
Dr. Michael Yeadon-Pfizer VP_Planet Lockdown Interview With Dr. Michael Yeadon_5-10-2021
COVID-19 Variant Vaccines & Depopulation_Dr. Michael Yeadon, former VP & chief scientist of Pfizer_5-23-2021
05-26-21_JBS-webinar-resources - SEE MORE FACTS.COM (this page)
COVID-Prevention-Treatment - SEE MORE FACTS.COM
NJ Department of Labor and Workforce Development Returning to Work Amid COVID-19
Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance - FLCCC - YouTube Channel
How to Get Ivermectin FLCCC Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance
More links from webinar discussion/attendees (excellent contributions...thank you!):
Archbishop Viganò’s powerful letter to President Trump Eternal struggle between good and evil (lifesitenews.com)
Joseph P. Sciulli_Archbishop Viganò’s Open_Letter_President_Donald_Trump.pdf
Viganò Warns Trump of Baphomet Inscription Solve et Coagula and Infiltration of Deep Church - YouTube
American Planning Association-Search Results for Sustainable Development
COVID Vaccine Secrets Resources • Children's Health Defense
Legal Resources • Children's Health Defense
National Vaccine Information Center-Event Outcome where Vaccine is COVID19-Results from the VAERS Database
Sidney Powell
You can push back on mandatory Covid-CCP vaccines.
Sidney Powell - 5/25/2021 Update
Dear Patriots,
Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus?
We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue, we believe strongly that NO ONE should be forced, against their will, to be vaccinated. There should be no repercussions from refusing the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% cure rate.
Dear Patriots,
Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus?
We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue, we believe strongly that NO ONE should be forced, against their will, to be vaccinated. There should be no repercussions from refusing the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% cure rate.
It appears that New Jersey, and others, are violating our freedoms, civil rights, Bill of Rights, various laws, the U.S. Constitution...and science!
Legal resources regarding COVID-19 treatment & prevention, forced vaccination attempts and mask mandates can be found at:
Legal resources regarding COVID-19 treatment & prevention, forced vaccination attempts and mask mandates can be found at:
5/27/2021 - https://grrrgraphics.com/what-moral-high-ground/
What Moral High Ground? Democrats never had the Moral high ground in the first place. The Socialist Democrats have become the party of medical tyranny. Their goal has always been bigger government and more authoritarianism and the masks and vaccinations help further that goal. It's no wonder some on the left say they will continue to wear the slave masks just to differentiate themselves from conservatives. That's their virtue signaling prerogative, but it's good to see less people sporting the face diapers and more people wanting to maintain their freedom of choice. That goes for taking dangerous inoculations, too. The authoritarian state desperately wants us all to take the shots. They're even offering money bribes now. Why? The cases of COVID-19 are collapsing. The mortality rate was always very low. There was no pandemic. There is no need to turn Americans into lab rats with dangerous, under-tested, and experimental vaccines. Thousands have died from the poisoned needles and many more have experienced severe side effects. Many Republicans pushed for vaccinations as well—including Rand Paul. However, he's now refusing the shots and that's good to hear. He had the virus and claims natural immunity, but the pro-vaccine hysteria is strong among the left and Paul actually received death threats for refusing the jabs. Fauci, Gates, the Democrats, and social media such as Face Book have lost the moral high ground. They never did possess it in the first place, but that was the perception corporate media kept shoveling at us. Fauci is now a proven liar. He lied to Congress. He's a disingenuous flip-flopper and glory seeker. Bill Gates was friends with Jeffrey Epstein AFTER the latter was convicted as a pedophile. Gates claims it's because he thought Epstein had the string-pulling means to bring him the Nobel Peace Prize. Sure, Bill. We know what you were really after. |
Facebook has behaved in a disgusting, anti-free speech manner. Apparently Zuckerberg wants to emulate communist China and his best buddy, President Xi. Both want the speech of citizens carefully controlled. Facebook would not allow anyone to drift from the 'official' virus narrative and if someone questioned whether or not that virus came from China's bioweapons lab in Wuhan, then they were smeared as a conspiracy nut and banned. The traitorous Zuckerberg has Xi's back.
My cartoons have been banned many times on Facebook and we are currently banned for 7 days simply for expressing weariness with masks and vaccines. The pro-mask, pro-vaccine crowd is rapidly descending toward the immoral low ground. —Ben Garrison |
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