(duration 00-01-35)
Feb 11, 2019: Green New Deal a “Recipe for Mass Suicide,”
Says Greenpeace Co-Founder CALGARY, Canada--In this exclusive interview with The New American, Greenpeace co-founder Dr. Patrick Moore warns that the "Green New Deal" proposed by congressional Democrats is a "recipe for mass-suicide." Moore, who left Greenpeace for reasons he outlines in the interview, says millions of Americans would die if the policies outlined in the Green New Deal were implemented. https://thenewamerican.com/us/environment/green-new-deal-would-kill-almost-everyone-warns-greenpeace-co-founder/ |
This is extremely important...!
WHO Director Demanding “Sovereignty” of All Member Nations Due to “Climate Crisis”
(and the Biden administration is on board)
WHO Director Demanding “Sovereignty” of All Member Nations Due to “Climate Crisis”
(and the Biden administration is on board)
(duration 00-16-45)
(duration 00-06-20)
...and see more below about the W.H.O. meeting.
Jul 29, 2019: What's the Deal with the Green New Deal?
There’s been a lot of talk about The Green New Deal. Beyond the headlines, what is it really? Given our energy needs, is it practical? Can we have an abundance of energy and a clean planet? Alex Epstein, the author of The Moral Case for Fossil Fuels, considers these questions and has thought-provoking answers. https://youtu.be/Wtc_L0QloRg |
Feb 11, 2019: Socialists Tip Their Hand With NWO Green New Deal
The Green New Deal, which apparently is the brainchild of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, would commit American industry and all American citizens with a task of achieving net-zero greenhouse emissions in 10 years, with no less commitment to climate change than what the country undertook to mobilize in World War II. We demonstrate what that will look like in this episode of Analysis Behind the News. https://youtu.be/zzg8cY5jyZ4 |
(duration 00-05-52)
The JBS Rumble Channel:
https://rumble.com/c/c-583457 The JBS YouMaker Channel: https://www.youmaker.com/channel/e11aadba-e094-48ff-a4c6-21ab3e6cfee8 |
Nov 11, 2021: Unconstitutional Climate Change Policies
While sleepy Joe Biden napped at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26), world leaders pushed Green New Deal policies to the world. Does Congress have the authority to address any type of Green New Deal policy? Find out the proper role of the federal government on this week's Constitution Corner. https://odysee.com/@TheJohnBirchSociety:e/unconstitutional-climate-change-policies:fhttps://odysee.com/@TheJohnBirchSociety:e/unconstitutional-climate-change-policies:f ▶️ More Related Videos -Educate yourself on these Green New Deal Policies: https://jbs.org/agenda2030/ - Agenda 21: How Will It Affect You?: https://youtu.be/rTE-3Fl7wgg - Globalists Propose Great Climate Reset to Battle Natural Climate Changes: https://youtu.be/vWRIlHWozeY - Using Infrastructure to Advance the Climate Change Agenda: https://youtu.be/IQhDIVy_wIg |
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