Dinesh D'Souza
Election Integrity Alert!
"2,000 Mules"...shows the world exactly how the 2020 Presidential Election was Rigged and Stolen. https://2000mules.com/ https://thenewamerican.com/2000-mules-full-of-must-see-surprises/ 2000 Mules cleverly portrays astonishing research by True The Vote, a group that began in 2009 for the purpose of stopping voter fraud. “True the Vote has the largest store of election intelligence for the 2020 elections in the world,” said investigator Gregg Phillips. “No one has more data than we do.”
They geo-tracked cell phones to what I’ll politely call “ballot modification stations.” Combined with surveillance video — 4 million minutes in all — their research uncovers a widespread system of organized crime and mass ballot manipulation. |
My New Film Trump Card will launch on October 9th as a video on demand
Trump Card - Beating socialism, corruption, and the Deep State
The United States has always been a home for those suffering under socialist regimes across the world, but all of that is at great risk in the hands of today’s Democratic Party run by Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and AOC. Written and directed by acclaimed filmmaker, scholar, and New York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza, Trump Card is an exposé of the socialism, corruption and gangsterization that now define the Democratic Party. Whether it is the creeping socialism of Joe Biden or the overt socialism of Bernie Sanders, the film reveals what is unique about modern socialism, who is behind it, why it’s evil, and how we can work together with President Trump to stop it. |
EXCLUSIVE: "Trump Card" official trailer | Available on DVD October 6:
https://youtu.be/oK4OGh6HOzc https://www.trumpcardthemovie.com/home/ https://www.trumpcardthemovie.com/synopsis/ https://www.dineshdsouza.com/ https://www.dineshdsouza.com/films/trump-card/ https://www.facebook.com/DSouzaDinesh/videos/338261497313046/ |