Declaration of Independence vs The Deep State (video)
(duration 00-18-11)
Declaration of Independence vs The Deep State
Jun 29, 2020, The New American Video In this special July 4 Independence Day episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman goes through the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the critical biblical principles that underpin it. Alex explains how knowing who we are as Americans--especially including our history and our founding documents--will be critical in defeating the Deep State and its globalist agenda. Finally, Newman talks about how the principles in the Declaration such as "all men are created equal" and are "endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights" led to eradicating slavery and equality before the law. Don't let the Deep State erase America's incredible history or the amazing fruit produced by its founding! The New American: |
Using Lies & Fake History to Cancel US Independence (video)
Using Lies & Fake History to Cancel US Independence
Published June 30, 2021, The New American The Deep State is lying and weaponizing fake history in an effort to sideline not just Independence Day, but even U.S. independence itself, warns The New American magazine's Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. To guard against that, Alex offers a brief refresher on the history surrounding America's Independence, especially focusing on the Christian roots of America's birth as a nation. Enjoyed this video? Join my Locals community for exclusive content at! 🇺🇸 The New American: |
(duration 00-21-49)
Juneteenth and the Dangers of Fake History (video)
(duration 00-06-07)
Juneteenth and the Dangers of Fake History
Published June 21, 2021, The New American Juneteenth is to Independence Day as Kwanzaa is to Christmas: a sort of synthetic reverse-engineered holiday that didn't crop up organically from the people, but was imposed in a top-down fashion by ideologues. What does the German philosopher Hegel have to say about the "fake history" that is now being promoted in the American peoples' name by corrupt propagandists and spineless politicians? 🇺🇸 The New American: |